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All posts in "Prayers"

Prayer to St. Benedict (kidney diseases)

O blessed and compassionate St. Benedict, you were full of the love of God and led countless others to Him, His Word, and His holy Church.  Trusting in your intercession I turn to you seeking prayers for (name person) and any who suffer from diseases of the kidneys. Pray dear saint that if it be […]


Prayer to St. Anthony (lost articles)

Dear St. Anthony, you are the patron of all who seek lost articles.  Help (name person) to find (lost article).  I thank you in advance for your assistance and pray that I will one day join you in everlasting peace.   Amen.Written by:   Ann Fitch    Image Credit: http://www.marysrosaries.com/collaboration/index.php?title=File:St_Anthony_of_Padua_006.jpg


Prayer to St. Anthony (elderly)

O loving St. Anthony, patron saint of the elderly, I ask your special prayers for (name person) and all elderly people.  Pray, beloved saint, that they are grateful for the years they have lived, content with their place in life, have hearts and minds that are full of happy memories and thankful thoughts, that they […]


Prayer to Sts. Anne & Joachim (grandparents)

Dear Sts. Anne and Joachim, patron saints of grandparents, I present to you all my grandchildren.  I ask your intercession on their behalf.Please watch over them and when they are in need, plead their case before your grandson, Jesus, asking that He bless them and keep them in His tender care.Please ask Your Son to […]


Prayer to St. Andre Bessette (religious brothers)

O holy and venerable St. Andre Bessette, I humbly ask you to pray for all religious brothers, especially (name person).  May they be true servants of the Lord who give of themselves unconditionally.  Pray that the Lord fill their hearts with zeal for the salvation of souls and with a deep abiding love for His […]


Prayer to Alphonsus Liguori (vocations)

O glorious St. Alphonsus Liguori, patron saint of vocations, I come before you asking your intercession for all those discerning a vocation to the priesthood, religious life or the deaconate in particular for (name person).With the Blessed Virgin Mary ask the Lord to bless the hearts and souls of those whom He has called to […]


Prayer to St. Aloysius Gonzaga (HIV & AIDS patients)

St. Aloysius, I come before you on behalf of all those suffering from HIV and AIDS, especially (name person).  Ask God to: bless them with doctors and nurses who are educated and experienced;  to send them caregivers who are respectful and kind, and treat them with dignity; to touch the hearts of their friends, co-workers and families so […]

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